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Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis Design

Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis Design

Closing the loop: Wir freuen uns sehr, mit unserer Vision von kreislauffähiger Bademode zu den 24 Finalisten des Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreises (DNP) 2021 in der Kategorie Design gehört zu haben,...

Slow Fashion

Slow Fashion

Slow Fashion is something we hear and read quite often at the moment, so let‘s take a closer look at what it really means and how we can slow things down.Slow Fashion is used for describing the opp...

NEW: Our MYMARINI Filters!

NEW: Our MYMARINI Filters!

Our founder Mareen and her partner William are on their way to Portugal, combining their passion for surfing with photoshootings for next season.On our instagram account you get little sneak-peaks...

We love Yoga

We love Yoga

We at MYMARINI are very much aware of the positive effects it has on our body, mind and soul. We all know that Yoga studios have limited space due to the pandemic at the moment and sometimes being ...

Earth Overshoot Day 2020

Earth Overshoot Day 2020

Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanitys’ demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year. The Day is hosted and computed by Glo...

Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July

We know we’re a little late to the party but we did not forgot about Plastic Free July! We want to inspire you to change your habits for reducing your plastic waste and and want to share our everyd...

The simple beauty

The simple beauty

The CLASSIC Collection accompanies us since the very beginning of MYMARINI, seven years in total since we started to create ethical swim and surfwear. These beautiful pictures were sent to us b...

How we deal with Covid 19

How we deal with Covid 19

When we decided to close our store because of Covid-19 we thought about alternatives for our new store assistant, who just started working in our teams two weeks before we had to close the store. W...

Summer is officially coming!

Summer is officially coming!

THOUGHTS ABOUT THE CLIMATE We sit in our Home Office and indulge ourselves in beautiful memories of last summer. This year we enjoy the sunshine on a lonely walk, on our balcony or in the garden. ...

Hello holiday feeling!

Hello holiday feeling!

Our founder Mareen tested the new STRIPE collection 2020 while enjoying life in Portugal. The material is soft and flattering and feels like a second skin. Perfect for vacation! She loves the luxur...
