We love Yoga
We at MYMARINI are very much aware of the positive effects it has on our body, mind and soul. We all know that Yoga studios have limited space due to the pandemic at the moment and sometimes being at home is simply the more cozy choice.
This is why we teamed up with our friends from YogaEasy to bring Yoga to your home! And we are super happy that they have given us a special for you!
Practice one month for free!
Simply click HERE and you are ready to go!
YogaEasy is an online yogastudio where you can practice yoga any time any where. You will find more than 1.000 videos with professional yoga teachers. Discover your favorite videos and join programs like "Feel Good Body" or "Yoga Morning" or start with Meditation and learn more about Aryuveda.
With our beautiful YOGA STYLES you are ready to jump on your mat and practice with your favorite teachers. Whether you like yin yoga, power yoga or have always wanted to do a guided meditation, you sure will find the right video for you.