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Artikel: Icebathing into Spring

Icebathing into Spring

Icebathing into Spring

The first sunrays are trying to warm up the earth, but it is still cold outside. Spring is around the corner and it’s best to start refreshed into this new season.

But what is the best way to reset the mind for the coming part of the year?

Icebathing is the answer!

For this little adventure, we teamed up with Reisevergnügen, the online travel magazine of Mit Vergnügen and bravely took a bath in the waters of the Stadtparksee, Hamburg.

MYMARINI-Team before icebathing

Recently, ice-bathing (or cold-bathing) in our case, became quite popular, due to its numerous positive health benefits such as strengthening the immune-system, releasing adrenaline and dopamine (the happiness hormone), as well as fighting inflammation. This is something worth a try!

Before stepping into the cold, some preparation is needed:

  • Get your body used to the cold step-by-step. This could be done by starting to shower cold for a while before trying the icebath itself.
  • Practice your breath. Wim Hof, also known as the ice-man, developed a certain breathing method that trains the body, the personal resilience and perfectly prepares for a bath in the cold.

Breathwork before icebathing

  • Choose your location wisely. Only swim in still waters like lakes, where currents and ships can’t be a threat. Also, never jump into the water. Instead, pick a spot where you can walk in.
  • Don’t stay too long in the cold. Just a few minutes or even a few seconds in the beginning are enough. During your bath focus on breathing deeply and calmly.
  • Team up for the icebath. Find someone who joins your for taking a bath in the cold and in case of emergency can help you or organize help.
  • Get yourself warm again. Always bring a cozy hat and woolen socks, to warm your body up after the bath. You can also keep the hat on while ice-bathing, it will hold more warmth in your body. Some herbal tea helps to get warm as well, so bring a thermos with your favorite flavor.

Icebathing in Hamburg

Last but not least, when warming yourself up again, don’t forget to enjoy the amazing feeling in your body! We felt completely refreshed and energized!

The feeling after icebathing

To be prepared for your first icebathing experience and to also get this rush of freshness and energy, we created a ice bathing selection of what we used and what you will need for this adventure to try. Klick on the image to get there:



Don't forget to tag us on instagram to show us your adventure with icebathing!

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